Can't Get ENOugh of It!

Living in Cedar City has been one of the greatest blessings ever. I am surrounded by some of the best outdoor scenery in the world. Every week I try to get out and go explore some of the areas around Cedar because it would be a waste to live in such a great area and not see what it has to offer. Every time I go out, there is always one thing that I bring along beside me…

Meet one of my most favorite things in this whole world. My ENO Hammock. There’s nothing more relaxing than setting up my hammock and getting inside and swinging away to some great music while checking out some awesome views. And taking great pictures of course. My pure blue parachute material is a memory maker for sure.

It helps that all of my roommates have hammocks too because we can go on “hammocking” trips whenever we want and that is basically just a camping trip where we go out adventuring for the day and find a place to crash and hang up our hammocks and tell jokes and just have a great time.

One of my favorite places that I have hammocked so far would have to be up on Cedar Mountain near Navajo Lake. My brother and I hiked up to a peak where you can see the red cliffs that make up Cascade Falls across the canyon and it was just an amazing view that I could experience with a family member.  


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